Gerrard, Fraser Elliot

September 27, 1990 – December 13, 2023
at the age of 33 years:

It is with heavy hearts that the family announces the unexpected passing of Fraser Elliott Gerrard.

Fraser is at peace now and will always be remembered in our hearts and his spirit will live forever.


  1. Im so sorry Jeff, Julie and Tasha. I never got to know your son, but met him a few times at the shop Julie. I hope you can find some peace in the memories of Fraser. Im truly heartbroken for your family. May he rest in peace. Hugs, Lavern

  2. Our heartfelt sympathies are with you Julie, Jeff and Tasha. Having the opportunity to chat with Fraser while walking the Parkhill trail last autumn is a cherished memory. Rest peacefully Fraser, you are loved.

  3. Thank you Jeff, Julie and Tasha. Your donation of Fraser’s hockey equipment is much appreciated. Will make sure a family who is in
    need of gear will receive it. Great memories of Fraser at Bastion School and at the hockey rink. Always had a friendly smile.

  4. So sorry to hear of Fraser’s passing. Our thoughts are with you. Such a difficult time to go through.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Fraser – how devastating for all of you. Never easy, especially the time of year when family gathers. .Sincerest condolence to you Julie, Jeff, and Tasha, as well as all other grieving family and close friends. Far too young, I am so very very sad to hear – big hugs, don’t hesitate to call.

  6. We have many great memories of Fraser playing sports and hanging out with our sons during his younger years. He was a gentle soul, and we are so sorry we lost touch with him. Rest in peace Fraser…you deserve it. So sorry Julie, Jeff and Tasha for your loss. Thinking of all of you.

  7. Thinking of you and your family Jeff and Julie. Remember very fondly the days of Summer. Those happy baseball days and Fraser and with his quick smile.
    Anne and Gordon Waters and Alistair Waters

  8. I’m so sorry to hear of Fraser’s passing Jeff, Julie and Tasha. I cannot imagine the pain and heartache you’re feeling. May all your wonderful memories of Fraser comfort you during this heartbreaking time. ❤️

  9. So sorry to hear of Fraser’s passing. Our thoughts are with your family at this very heartbreaking time

    Take care
    Allison & Kirk Turland

  10. It’s with broken hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved son, Fraser Elliot Gerrard There’s lots of fond memories of Fraser, participating in baseball ,hockey and golf. please join us and remembering his gracious smile and kindness towards others. May you rest in peace son, your loving dad and mom. Thanks for all your condolences and prayers ,please share your memories with us. if you would like to.

  11. I grew up next to Fraser and his family in Salmon Arm. Fraser was a nice kid who was unfortunately misunderstood by many. I hope you’re in a better place, Rest in peace Fraser

  12. So sorry to learn of Fraser’s passing. Our thoughts are with you.

  13. I am so sad for the loss of Fraser. I’ve known Julie and Jeff since before they were married. When Fraser was born, such joy in their home. Fraser was incredibly smart and at 5yrs old he had hockey cards and played flash cards with his Mom and he knew who was who and what team they were on. He was confident and had a love of hockey and golf. Concussions from sport’s completely changed his life, so heartbreaking for this destined young man. Fortunately this summer he joined in w his Mom, Julie, and hiked trails, swam lakes, and kayaked. They had fun which was a real time of peace for him. Thank you God for Frasers’ life and I pray you hold him tight in your arms. God bless you Fraser, you will be missed very often.

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